Thursday, June 26, 2014

Father's Day and Our Niece's Dedication

So, I have mixed feelings about being behind on blogging. I did feel guilty, but then I remember I'm busy because we're out enjoying this way-too-short summer season Minnesota has! And that's okay. Anyways, two weekends ago was Father's Day Weekend. We spent the weekend here in town and did a lot of fun things. Friday night we went to my parents to grill and hang out. We grilled steak for steak salads and they were so yummy. Saturday we went to Tavern on France with a few new friends {I had an amazing pretzel pastrami sandwich!} and Sunday was Father's Day/our nieces dedication! We got up Sunday and met our family at Substance Church at the Northwestern University campus. We enjoyed a sermon focused on the importance of a father figure and afterwards, the families dedicating children all gathered up front. It was so fun having everyone together, which included most of Nate's side as well. The girls had so much love surrounding them as their parents dedicated their upbringing to Christ. Three out of the four families were related to our nieces {Nate's sister and brother's families also dedicated their children}, so that made it all the more special. I'm not sure if Adam and I will baptize or dedicate our children {we'll cross that bridge later}, but I can say that this dedication experience was awesome and we are so blessed to have been a part of it! After the dedication Britt and Nate had all of their family over for a Father's Day BBQ. We had so many little kiddos, parents and grandparents was great! Everyone brought a side to share and in true Minnesota fashion, we had way too much food. It was a very special day.

Both Adam and I have fathers who are hard-working, loving, dependable and constant. We are beyond lucky to be able to say that. Reflecting back on our lives, it's easy to see that we've been blessed in so many ways by these two men. They've been our coaches, our friends, taught us how to build things, taught us how to show respect, shown us that money doesn't grow on trees, made us grilled cheese and tomato soup, pulled us tubing until the sun went down and taught us how to fish. Our dad's are so important in our lives and who we've become as adults. We are forever grateful.

Dad, thank you for showing me what qualities a husband should have. Thank you for making sure my standards were high. Thank you for giving Adam your blessing when he asked for my hand in marriage and for welcoming him with open arms. Thank you for walking me down the aisle in August. Thank you for dancing with me under the stars on my first night as a wife and thank you for your continued support every day since. You're simply the best.

I will post more pictures to this later {specifically throwback ones of our dads}, but here are a few from the dedication/Father's Day BBQ.

I love this little gal.

We ALWAYS mange to dress alike..

Dad and I on Father's Day

Snuggle Fest

Willa is getting so big!

The adorable sign Britt made about all of the dads present at the BBQ

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